Thursday, February 18, 2021

Ministry of Freedom Affiliate Marketing Course Review


Organic & Paid in-depth Strategies including Launch Jacking With YouTube, List  Building, Product Creation, Affiliate Link Approval, Extensive Support and so much  more.


Ministry of Freedom is a step by step comprehensive course/business investment

for online marketers, centred around launch jacking affiliate marketing.


Looking to take to the online space and potentially reach those goals and dreams...?

Ministry of Freedom could be for you.


What is affiliate marketing And How Can You Leverage It, By Neil Patel

What is "Launch Jacking"?


What does Ministry Of Freedom contain?

In-depth Strategies covering:


Organic or Paid Traffic options(further budget required for the Paid Route - see below).

Launch Jacking with YouTube Videos - on or off camera.

List Building & Email Marketing.

- Guaranteed Affiliate Link Approval on JV Zoo, Warrior Plus and More.

Software Product Development & Launching.

- Software Research and Resources.

Software, Equipment & Tools required - Free & minimal investments e.g    Autoresponder.

Rotators, 2 x Types:

Type 1(once off for Newbies) - 100% free Traffic on the whole funnel for new Ministry of Freedom Members.

• Type 2(first 60 days from Joining MOF).

 Rotators are a way of getting results for new members by rewarding action with free almost guaranteed traffic. This is a great way to pay off or part of your investment of Ministry of Freedom from the Rotators.

(Full Paid Members)

Live Q&A Webinar Schedule - 3 times a week.

Private Facebook Group with further comprehensive support and information and great interaction.

- Constant Support and new Initiatives.




1. On camera confidence.

2. Big network can be gained and connected to.

3. Great learning curve & skill set acquired to apply to other online businesses.





- Must Network to build presence in this space. 

- If totally new, there is a big learning curve & things will take time i.e building an email list, Youtube channel & building your presence & network.

- There is a lot of competition - that is a "good" thing and a "bad" thing depending on how you look at it. Ministry of Freedom does give a good grounding and knowledge as a newbie.

- Small added expenses as stated above which are not absolutely required in the beginning but ultimately will be needed to progress at the right level.





Like any new business invested into, other relatively small (depending) costs/investments will need to be taken into account.

Bearing in mind a computer is already an asset, if not then of course this will need to be sought.
Over & above and not limited to, which the Ministry of Freedom Course does cover are things like:

(Bearing in mind some softwares will or can be free).

- Webcam(Can start with the inbuilt camera on the computer).

- Autoresponder.

- Bonus Page Builder .

- Image Hosting Site.

- Website - Not imperative.

To name a few. Besides the Computer, everything else is more or less quite inexpensive if growing the "Organic" way.

Otherwise if going down the "Paid Traffic" route, then ad spend will need to be factored in starting at $1000.00 minimum.
This is of course covered in detail and the "Organic" option or route is a great way to start, learn and earn at the same time.





Is Ministry of Freedom right for you?

Simply put...


Whether money is an issue or not, like any business, one will need to factor in the "investment" and "time" as factors. 

And these are both going to be different for everyone.
If money is not a major obstacle and you are a complete novice in the online affiliate marketing space, then I would say most definitely yes, go for it!

Get Ministry of Freedom Here:

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