Tuesday, February 23, 2021

GrowViral Review [Special Bonuses]

The most powerful free traffic source on the internet right now is without a doubt “Referral traffic”. Companies spend millions of dollars each year to be seen on Social Media as much as possible.

Now you dominate any social media platform using the power of referral traffic through a fabulous new software called “GrowViral”. 

GrowViral easily captures leads and turns them into advocates for your brand, Opt-in pages, or campaigns.

When a subscriber joins your list they receive an email and get a ‘share link’. They can then earn rewards or win prizes for sharing your pages and campaigns with their friends over their social media accounts.

The software is easy to set up, it takes literally minutes to install. But, makes a huge impact on the amount of traffic that you get. In fact, you can easily generate up to 300% more leads simply by adding ‘GrowViral’ to your opt-in and pre-launch campaigns.

The Product Explained In Detail

GrowViral has 3 powerful automated referral tools for traffic generation.

Top marketers know: “it’s easier to generate leads through referrals of your brand than it is to get a new subscriber through your own efforts”.

The marketers focus on viral growth to make their subscribers their brand’s advocates. And when they are successful. It results in free, and highly targeted referral traffic. 

Here are the 3 powerful tools GrowViral uses:

Viral Growth Tool #1: Viral Sweepstakes

When a new subscriber joins your subscriber list, instead of taking them to a regular welcome page, Swap out your old form for what we call a ‘sweepstakes form’.

This form enrolls them into your subscriber list but then offers them the chance to go into the draw to win a grand prize(it could be anything like pdf, ebook, video, etc.) at the end of the month from your company for simply spending a few minutes to share your Opt-in page, products, business, or event with their friends or social media connections.

This campaign takes a couple of minutes to set up but you will grow your email list faster.

Viral Growth Tool #2: Milestone Rewards

This works extremely well for opt-in pages, eCommerce businesses, online events, or pre-launch campaigns.

Rather than offer you a grand prize for a sweepstake contest. Now what you do is motivate your new subscribers or customers to share to unlock a reward based on a couple of actions.

For instance, if you share a website with your subscriber and you subscribe to the list with 3 of their friends. You release a 10 percent coupon or a new product, membership feature, module, or any other reward you might want.

These campaigns do work the best with evergreen style campaigns. Where you want to generate evergreen traffic for your campaigns gradually that you can rely on.

Viral Growth Tool #3: Leaderboard Campaigns

The third tool we deploy is what I call the ‘Leaderboard Campaigns’. This is where you use one or both of the tools I mentioned previously along with a publicly viewable and accessible leaderboard.

You’re creating an engaging and social competition in order to motivate your new subscribers or customers to share your offers in exchange for rewards. But you’re also using people’s human nature and desire to win to motivate them to promote more.

What Are The Best Features?

a). Unlockable Reward Milestones

Choose to unlock prizes when subscribers complete 1 or more tasks

b) Unlimited Rewards

Create an unlimited amount of rewards you can offer to your new subscribers.

c). Set & Forget Rewards

You can schedule in rewards to automatically be unlocked as subscribers share your viral campaigns. Completely hands-free.

d). Share Anywhere ‘Magic’ Link

Give your subscribers a URL they can share anywhere to earn points. Email, Social Media, Skype, Telegram, YouTube… subscribers can share your campaign ANYWHERE.

e). Social Action Templates

Motivate your subscribers to share across their favorite social network. With your choice of ‘Clickable’ social actions.

f). Facebook & Twitter Templates

Customize how your subscriber’s posts look over Facebook & Twitter. Stand out from the crowd with professional share images & custom text.


Integrate across Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Pinterest & Whatsapp

a). Unique URL Tracking System

Track every share with 100% precision. Your subscribers will always be credited with every referral they make.

b). Auto-Select Winners At Random

Choose to automatically select a winner at random. Automate ‘Contest’ Winner selection & rewards.

c). Auto-Select Winners Based On Points

Make your contest a race to the top. Award your biggest advocate with a ‘contest’ based on ‘total points received’.

d). Automatically Reward Subscribers With Coupon Codes

Local businesses and eCommerce stores love this feature. You can automatically reward your subscriber’s actions. Sending out a coupon code.


a). Welcome Email

Welcome your new subscriber and provide them with their ‘Share link’ directly within the first email you send to them after opting into your list.

b). Reward Unlocked Email

When your subscriber unlocks a reward from sharing your GrowViral campaign. Automatically send out a reward unlocked email with the download link or coupon.

c). Congratulations Email

When a subscriber successfully refers a new subscriber or customer to you. They automatically receive a congratulations email with an encouraging message. This email can show how many more invites they need in order to unlock the next tier of reward.

d). Embedded Social Buttons Inside Email

Social Buttons are embedded directly into your emails. Subscribers can share with one click directly from the emails sent out by GrowViral.


a). Visual ‘Drag N Drop’ Template Editor

Completely customize or build beautiful, lead-generating ‘GrowViral’ campaigns with the ‘Visual Editor’. Easy to use you can completely customize the look and feel of your campaigns in just minutes.

b). Final Results Tally Page

When your contest has concluded GrowViral automatically generates a ‘Final Results’ page. This showcases the results of your contest, who won, and more.

c). Support For Over 20 Languages

The app support over 20 languages including English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Russian, and more. Run campaigns for clients all around the world.

d). Works On All Devices – Mobile Ready

GrowViral works on all devices. You can set up your campaigns on your mobile device, manage your campaigns. Your subscribers can see your campaigns from their mobile devices.

e). Custom Domain With SSL

Host the pages on your own custom domain. Each domain added to the system automatically generates an SSL which is included with it.


a). Embed Your Campaigns Into Your Own Website Pages

Effortlessly embed your campaigns into your own website or any external website of your choice.

How You Profit From Viral Growth Marketing?

A lot of traffic can be generated by viral growth tools like the 3 above mentioned on their own. You will not necessarily lead to more customers except in combination with email. As email is your viral traffic monetary mechanism.

Actually, e-mail marketers from litmus estimated that every subscriber on the brand lists examined last year worth an amazing $42 on average. This is an unbelievable 42:1 return.

Therefore, email is not just important… it is the most important ingredient for your business to grow your Subscriber List…

Should You Get GrowViral?

Within minutes from now, you’ll have at your fingertips ‘founder access’ to an elite software created for Viral Growth Marketers. Ready to work hard for you that help to boost the amount of traffic, leads, and sales you generate.

Once this launch is over the founding special price will be gone forever. They’re going to be in the future building this software into a start-up-style software for a monthly and a yearly fee. You can secure your founding access right now when you get access today for a low one-time price. If you’re serious about growing your campaigns viral. If you want to stop paying expensive developers to create viral campaigns or if you want to quit paying high monthly fees that other software are charging. Go now and get GrowViral.

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