Monday, December 28, 2020

Tik Tok Video-how to easily make them

Tik Tok Video-how to easily make them, without being on camera at all so I am going to show you how you can take existing and new videos resize and convert them to tik video format It’s very easy to do with the right software i.e

About this tik tok app Summary

  • Access an untapped pool of 800 million leads and buyers INSTANTLY!
  • Get views within minutes of posting your first video
  • Using an Instant Video Builder takes away the need to be on camera
  • Create viral videos similar to the ones getting millions of views & thousands of leads – every month!
  • Put your social channels, website, lead magnets & offers in front of engaged buyers – for FREE!
  • Newbie-Friendly – Created With Part-Timers In Mind
  • Imagine if you were first in line to tap into Facebook or Instagram traffic – this new UNTAPPED traffic source gives you a fast-mover advantage

Hence why I’m sharing this video with you, and this will do this – will create done few videos in under 60 seconds. So I completely agree with both of these and look. This is cloud beer, so there’s. No you don’t need to download anything.

You can access this by PC laptop mobile phone. So if we come down here, it’s, highlighting some of the benefits of this. For you, sir, this is newbie friendly. It’s created with part-timers in mad. It really is newbie friendly.

In this video tik review, which that I’m, going to show you this brand new piece of software that can alternate tik tok for you now our joint tick tock a little over Three weeks ago – and there is also on here – have been genuinely mind-blowing, because if you look on here so like this video here, are you blood this about two minutes ago? It’s already had 10 views, so this here is a brand new.

They don’t want to be on camera, and you know they might think you need special skills or editing skills. You really done, and what video have ticked this it ticks all of the complications are way for you and it will create these videos.

It will not only create them for you; it will also allow you to schedule your content and you can change your whole to a year’s worth of content with the software, so that’s, something that’s. Gon na help people save time money and also, if one of the hurdles normally was that you know they didn’t want to record themselves.

One last thing I’ll show you just so you can see the potential of TikTok and why. I recommend if you’re, looking to get to a platform where you can grow quickly and drive traffic or upload your videos in the right format.

So what else have we got on here? So it can create viral videos to create viral videos for you. They absolutely can do and is learning to be on camera, as with already mentioned, we scroll down here, we’ve got some old dudes who testimonials bobble up to this,

So let’s jump into the actual software, so you can see you know what this can do for you, and this is available in any country in any language and also and in each because all of this functionality is within side Of the app so let’s jump into the actual app, so this is how it looks once you’re on the inside.

Summary of TikTok app

  • TikTok™ Viral Video Builder
  • TikTok™ Video ReSize Feature
  • TikTok™ Auto-Publisher – iOS + Android Apps included
  • Create 100 10 TikTok™ Videos per day
  • Multi-User License – Use on multiple devices
  • Create High Definition Videos
  • Download the videos to own computer
  • Add your own logo & watermark
  • Create Stories Vertical Videos for TikTok
  • Access to Image Library with 50,000+ Images
  • Access to Video Library with 10,000+ Video-Clips
  • Access to Music Library with 1,000+ background music
  • Access to 100+ Fonts
  • Access to 5000+ Quotes to use
  • Upload your own images, video-clips & music
  • Cloud-Based App – Works on All Computers & Devices
  • 100% Approved & Evergreen Software
  • Dedicated Support and Regular Updates
  • Detailed Training Included
  • 100% guaranteed.

Instead of reading a long post, you can watch the entertaining Tik Tok video app here, The video shows exactly how to use it

The TIK TOK VIDEO- How to easily make them, the app is so versatile it has many language options for example You can pick all of these languages that say English us, like a voice. Look. You got all of these different voices that you can play around with, but look you don’t have to put a voice on if you don’t want it’s, just it’s.

Another option for you within the software and you can also upload your own audio so that’s. It so click on next and you click on start, creating video and then look success. So it’s now creating our video.

So you see down here, your video is rendering so that’s it so once it’s done that it will be look, you can see it’s, downloading the resources for this. So once your video has finished downloading here and downloaded rendering there’s, one last thing you need to do so, where it says, trim real here.

What this allows you to do is it takes that video and it puts it in the exact former of a ticked-off video. So let me just show you this over here, so you picked the video that you’ve, just downloaded, and just come across here see here this.

This is how your video would look. Originally. All you do in here is you clicking on the 916, and it will put this in the correct farmer for tik-tok. So you see here this is this would be our video, and this is the proper farmer for you, tik-tok video and also there’s, many options available in here.

If you just go over to this slide here, you can see it. What I actually allows you to do is so, if you just go down here, look you can actually make it smaller. So if you really wanted to you could overlay text on top of your video as well, so that’s, that bit done so you’ve literally just go back over here into video tick, so you create a video from one of These ones here you’ve trim it, which basically means you putting it into the correct size here, which is the 9/16 and then, once you’re happy with that, you can have a download it straight away or you can put it Into the scheduler, so this is really cool, and this is where this piece of software comes into its own is, if I’m over here, so you’ve got a schedule, and basically you select you there that you want.

So you now have your video because it on here well, because tick-tock is a mobile application. This piece of software actually comes with its own built-in app as well. So basically, you select your video on here and the day you want it to be scheduled, and then you download the app – and I’m just going to pass this over to the creator of the actual software and he’ll show You this here, so let me just click on play and you’ll.

Show you how to schedule away if, at 3:00, at 3:00, on the Sunday at 3:00 p.m. I’m gonna get a quick notification on my phone, and since I’m, always on my phone, all I have to do is tap On that notification and the video will be published on tick-tock suggestions show you an example of install the tick tock publisher, app on my android phone, which you can, of course, download from the dashboard of videotape.

So it’s. Three steps really so you come in here you pick on. Maybe you want a core video, a gif, video or viral videos. Once you’ve created your video, you trim trim. The real C puts it into the correct tik-tok size, and then you schedule this within the software and then they you get a notification on your phone and then you just click on that and it uploads that video to tick-tock for you now.

What I would say is if you go into go down the schedule room, I just create 50 or 60 of these videos and put them in the calendar at schedule 1 and then it’s. Just simply a case of tapping. A couple of sounds on your phone and it will put the content out for you, but if I go back in so it’s going to a viral video and show you one last example in here.

Is it’s, going to go out and find viral videos that you can use on here, and these are the role of the viral videos I found for you and what I like about this as well, is on these viral videos. Here is you? Can crop it if you want? If you want to take a set and part out with you, only want to include the beginning or the Empire, you can again, you can crop them as much as you want.

If you don’t want one of these videos in here. Come there delete and if you want to add in a different one, you can simply add in a new one on here, lexer and then the same as what we did before text in position upload your own content.

If you want – or you’ve got the library option on here. So if we’re gone, here again, awesome software hotline in the middle change that color let’s, change that’s. It’s a red background. Colour, we’ll, put a black background colour on there font size, let’s just make it a little bit bigger, see it’s, just really simple and really easy to use.

It’s very simple. To use it’s really easy. There’s! Nothing! Nothing difficult about! This are tricky whatsoever to use. So let me go over here now and I’ll share with you, some of the bonuses that I’ve put together.

If you decide to go ahead and pick this up so benefits of video tik-tok it’s. A video a bill that it take, so we only need to be on camera. You don’t have to talk. You can create viral videos. You can use the traffic over on tik toks to send them wherever you want.

You can send them to Clickbank offers a warrior plus offers. You can send them to your blog’s, lead pages, absolutely every and anywhere. Basically and most importantly for me, it’s, newbie-friendly, but it will save you so much time and effort creating videos yourself so scroll down here.

So these are all literally all being done for you, so you just go into the sheet pick, which ones you want and add them see our video finally bonus. Number 4. Is it’s, a best practice guide, and this will show you how often you should post on tick-tock, I keep saying tick: tock, tick, tock! Sorry, it goes over the hashtag strategy because you don’t want to shoot a random hashtag, so you need to make sure you use it a mix of certain hashtags and again this is covered within this best practice guide for you how to grow. Your account fast and what you should avoid doing because there are, some mistakes that people make when the first starting out – and this goes over what you absolutely shouldn’t, be doing so.

It gives you a lot more flexibility, and then you can do what you want with the videos and then you can even sell videos a little bit so for the extra two dollars. I recommend you get the commercial license and everything we’ve covered.

So if you’re thinking have gone into multiple niches, then this will be an option for you, because you won’t be limited to a hundred a day. But if you’re only going to be staying with one account and you’re, not gonna be posting more than 100 videos per day.

T got this. The other thing. What this upgrade will do is it will allow you to share your videos instantly serve onto Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. So your video that you’ve created within the software.

Not only can you showed you whether to go onto tic tok, but you can also actually then go ahead and share it on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. So basically, you’re gonna have your content on multiple platforms, and then you can also you see he can outsource video creation, see our team if you want so you know, if you’re running a social media agency, it gives You the option – and it also comes with access to 5,000 new images and also 10,000 new videos, so it’s, giving you a lot of you know a lot of options here.

The Tik Tok video- How to easily make them comes with a 14 day, money-back guarantee. So if you get this and you don’t like it, for whatever reason you can go ahead and get your money back and in terms of getting access to my bonuses, getting this best practice guide.

So that is it today’s, video hope you found it useful. Overall video tech, it’s a great piece of software. It’s, a first to market, and I just like the simplicity of it and the fact that you can shred your content.

Here is the link to The quick Video About Tik Tok video- How to easily make them

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