Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Whiteboard Coated Walls: Ideal for Social Distancing in the Classroom

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently updated K–12 school guidelines to reflect the latest research on the practice of physical distancing among students in classroom settings. The CDC now advises that the use of masks should remain universal and that elementary school students should maintain a safe distance of at least three feet from one another in the classroom, whether the COVID-19 transmission rate in their area is low, moderate, substantial, or high. In middle and high schools, the CDC recommends the same amount of distancing in classrooms with universal mask use, where community transmission is low, moderate, or substantial.


The CDC’s updated strategy is an important element in the agency’s attempt to help schools open and remain open for in-person instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the use of whiteboard coated walls is one practical way to help in this effort. When writing or drawing on the vast surface of a whiteboard coated wall, the CDC’s guideline for students and teachers to stay at least three feet apart in the classroom setting is easy to follow. Through the use of top-quality ReMARKable whiteboard coating, you can create large enough writing and drawing areas for multiple people to use a coated wall at the same time while also maintaining the safe physical distances required during the period of COVID-19. “Social-distance approved” whiteboard coated walls allow several students at a time to use their virtually unlimited surfaces for working out math problems, brainstorming ideas for class writing assignments, drawing sketches of science projects, posting data on upcoming school events, and countless other activities.


In lieu of traditional framed whiteboards, which are costly, have small writing surfaces, are bulky to handle, and are hard to set up, the walls in your classroom can be easily coated with premium whiteboard paint for a low cost per square foot. And, if certain walls or parts of walls need to be left uncoated, you can transform the remaining parts into large whiteboard canvases. Either way, WhiteBoard Paint will provide you with incredible flexibility in arranging your classroom writing areas. In addition, whiteboard-coated walls are ideal to use as projection screens, thus eliminating the need to employ a drop-down screen for video presentations. In this way, applying whiteboard paint to your walls allows you to customize the specific size and area on which you want to create a write-on surface and also permits future use of a projection device in the same area when necessary.


In the current period of uncertainty and unease in our society, students can become more easily distracted than usual while thinking about restrictions like the need to wear masks and practice social distancing instead of focusing on their school work. Under these circumstances, top-quality whiteboard coated walls offer a simple and effective way to hold a class’s attention because their large size and interactive nature spark original ideas and increased engagement in students and teachers alike.
Active listening is one of the most challenging skills for students to learn and also one of the hardest ways for human beings to recall and retain information. The process involves carefully absorbing what a speaker says, showing that the hearer is paying attention, and then giving feedback to clarify the message being conveyed. However, in a large classroom with many students, these steps are not always possible to follow, especially if students are feeling anxious and distracted due to the current social climate. For this reason, your class may find it challenging to listen with full attention, especially during a long lesson that has many new vocabulary words, fine points of math, or bits of historical data to absorb. At times, even shorter lessons may be hard for children to focus on because of distractions in the environment, such as noise caused by construction work or by other students talking.

This issue can be easily resolved through the use of top-quality whiteboard-coated walls. The large surface area available for writing and drawing on whiteboard walls makes it easy to write in large letters or images while a teacher is talking and thus hold students’ attention. On the much smaller surfaces of traditional whiteboards, teachers are always limited with respect to how big they can write or sketch. For this reason, students often have trouble seeing what’s being written or drawn right in front of their eyes, especially in large classrooms where children sitting in the back may have problems seeing all the way to the front. This can also be an issue for visually impaired students, who may have trouble grasping the contents of a lesson due to the small size of a teacher’s writings and drawings on a standard whiteboard.

These problems can all be prevented through the application of high-end whiteboard coating to the classroom walls, where students and teachers can interact and work together during lessons. The vast open surface of a whiteboard coated wall gives free rein to students’ and teachers’ imaginations as they continuously expand their thoughts and image-making abilities through writing and drawing. As a class progresses, and as teachers jot down text and graphics related to a lesson in large letters that everyone can see, students become more engaged and learn better than they would if a smaller surface like a standard whiteboard were used. Thus, by its nature, a whiteboard-coated wall causes everyone involved in a lesson to become more interested and eager to learn.


Besides enhancing the experience of writing and drawing, whiteboard coated walls also make it easy to convert standard classroom spaces into highly effective presentation platforms. The walls’ thick, durable coat of whiteboard paint provides a high-gloss surface that sharply captures images produced by a projector, thus making slide and video presentations more engaging and exciting for student audiences. Consequently, whiteboard coated walls save money by providing a first-rate alternative to conventional projection screens, which are costly, hard to handle and set up, and liable to deterioration over time, making it necessary to do regular repairs or buy periodic replacements. The cost of a high-performance, top-quality projection screen can vary from around $1,500 on up based on the size needed. So, in light of the great utility and long lifespan of a premium whiteboard coated wall, along with the cost-efficiency of getting a premium projection screen in the bargain, applying whiteboard paint in classrooms is a wise decision for any school district to make.


Besides a classroom’s walls, many other surfaces such as work tables, storage cabinets, shelves, doors, and students’ and teachers’ desks may also be made into writeable surfaces through the creative application of our premium whiteboard coating. In this way, an entire classroom space can become an “educational zone” to use for writing and drawing that inspires students to use their imaginations by freely expressing their creative thoughts and images. With an entire classroom serving as a space for instructional use and interaction, there’s no need to install messy chalkboards or traditional stain-prone framed whiteboards, no need to pay a hefty fee to have them installed or to move your belongings to have them replaced.

Our high-quality whiteboard coating consists of two separate parts. All you need to do is mix them together according to the manufacturer’s instructions and apply the mixture to the walls and any other items in your classroom that you wish to transform into durable writing surfaces that will last for ten-plus years with normal use and maintenance.

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